Cocktail Bonus

  • What is the Cocktail Bonus?

The Cocktail Bonus is a coin offer that comes with a mini-game that helps you multiply your purchase.

  • Where do I buy it from?

You cannot find the Cocktail Bonus in the Store. The pop-up with the offer will appear to you in the game and you can purchase it from it.

  • How does it work?

The Cocktail bonus is a mini game that will give you a multiplier for the coin package purchased.

You pick a shaker or two, depending on the offer, and your coins will be multiplied according to the drink that shows up:

Cocktail Bonus

  • I bought the Cocktail Bonus and I didn’t receive it, what do I do?

Delays can happen in the game and you may receive it a few minutes after the purchase has been approved.
If you don’t receive the Cocktail Bonus mini-game in the next hour, please contact support to have it checked.