StarQuest Seasons is a brand-new feature that offers you longer chases for the most incredible prizes.
Each season is divided into multiple chapters, containing milestones with exciting prizes.
At the end of each season, you can win an awesome and unique collectible!
Season progress is earned through gaining followers by completing your Daily Quests.
It can be accessed from the new My Quests lobby slice:
In the lower part of the screen, you can see the timer left before the season ends, the progress, as well as the reward(s) for finishing the respective season.
Pressing the “How to play?” button will start a small presentation of the new Season feature by Mary.
You will be informed how to find your quests and review your Season progress:
How to check your current quest type, its progress, and the rewards you’ll get for completing it:
How to claim rewards:
How to get signed by new sponsors:
Sponsors will also multiply the chip rewards when a chapter is completed!
You can quickly check your progress at a table by pressing the My Quests button at any time:
Navigation through the season can be done by pressing the left/right arrows:
Clicking on the question mark next to the grand prize will present the multipliers:
We want to introduce a new quest exclusive to StarQuest Seasons – Hyper Quest!
When a Hyper Quest is available, it will be presented with a golden text in the Seasons/My Quests menu and with an H at the tables overlapped on the My Quests button:
When a reward that has a WSOP Academy is claimed, the following pop-up message will be displayed:
And the video will become available in the WSOP Academy section:
By pressing the lock icon on the WSOP Academy videos, you will get the information you need to unlock this video.
Completing all the available quests will show a timer until new ones are generated:
Once all Season videos are unlocked, the Season Bracelet will be awarded:
Finishing the season will show the following message:
You can also check the previous and current Season in the WSOP Academy feed:
Pressing the hamburger button in the top left will show you different options:
You can also check the “How to Play” menu for a short tutorial on how to gain the Seasonal Bracelet: